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Şubat, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

paper and bed

A burned hole in the paper can also be seen   seen as the door to the room at the same time. Ashes and ashes caused by burning are moved to different pages when every page is changed, just as we are exposed to something that we walk in the same way.   Just as the posters are carrying the traces and the traces of the people who have experienced it are spreading all over the day in ashes as if they were moving everywhere and   the diary is becoming like an experienced Street. A photo of a poster formed in layers or in the door is shown in the opening page. This is actually a continuation of the original work because it is continually experienced., and the pages that are buried one behind the other on the page can be seen as a hole in a door. A look at the room through the hole in the door of the room and a bed and the image of the bed sheet. The next page takes into consideration the George Perec’s relationship between the page and the bed. We are referring